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to visit this site since January 9th, 2001.
Anyone seeking my E-mail, here it is.
September 9th, 2008 [7:44 a.m.]
Yeah I'm still here. This is basically a "My site is not dead"
update. I have been working like a slave in a cotton field. I am still
working on Lennus-2 with the guys. That is working out GREAT! I am also still
working on Aretha 2 but I have only received one section of translated text.
I still have a ways to go with that project. FEDA may get some script work
by the same crew doing Lennus-2 so if that worrks out then that project can
finally get the release it deserves. The other game I am worried about is
Double Moon Densetsu which I thought had a translator but I have not heard from
him / her since sending them the utils to complete the script work.
My next move is to update the website. This one is a bit tired and I need a new
face for this page! Any takers? :) Until next time, later...
January 21st, 2008 [7:10 p.m.]
Ok. I decided to release some pictures for a work
in progress that was originally being done by Destiny Translation.
I decided to release these pics so that people can see that work
has be steady on the project. I have totally redone the ASM hacks
that were scattered all over the place and made it nice and easy
to work with. I also got around to re-mapping the 8x16 text stuff
and making it all 8x8 and working for that matter! That was one of
the biggest issues plaguing the completion and release of this game.
With that said, I am now looking for any of the original
members so that we can make something happen with this stuff officially.
I have new utilities and goodies made for the project which make things
so much easier to deal with! I'll be waiting for a response. Until then
enjoy a few pictures I have posted!
November 5th, 2007 [8:00 p.m.]
Today is an alright day I guess. I have been working
on FEDA off and on for a few weeks now. I have been trying to edit
the script files myself and I believe I've done an ok job although
I'm no english major. I decided to release a small update to the
game with the 14 chapters, items, names and miscellaneous data changes.
I also tried to add a bit of consitency to the script itself. The patch
can be found on the 'Completed Projects' page. Have a great day!
